Why Eleqtus Cloud is Your GDPR-Compliant Partner in Europe

Secure Cloud Services for Your Business

In today's digital world, data security is paramount, especially for European businesses navigating the complexities of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Eleqtus understands these challenges and is committed to providing a secure and compliant platform for your cloud hosting, e-invoicing, and support needs.

Peace of Mind with European Data Residency:

At Eleqtus, we leverage Microsoft Azure's advanced cloud infrastructure with data centers located within the European Economic Area (EEA). This ensures your data remains geographically within the EEA, strengthening your GDPR compliance posture.

Reduced Risk with Local Expertise:

Our dedicated support team is also based in Europe, eliminating the need for complex data transfers outside the EEA for support purposes. This minimizes the risk associated with cross-border data transfers and simplifies the process of handling data subject requests (DSRs) under GDPR.

Seamless Communication in Your Language:

Eleqtus Cloud boasts a multilingual support team fluent in the languages of Europe. This fosters clear communication and a deeper understanding of your specific GDPR requirements. Our team is well-versed in European data protection regulations, ensuring you receive the most relevant and up-to-date guidance.

Compliance Throughout Your Ecosystem:

Eleqtus Cloud seamlessly supports popular third-party applications like Formpipe's Lasernet, SignUp's Exflow, and d.velop, ensuring GDPR compliance extends beyond our core services. Additionally, for systems like Microsoft Dynamics 365, our global support can ensure a consistent level of GDPR expertise regardless of location.

Beyond Location: A Holistic Approach to Security

While geographical data residency and local support are crucial, Eleqtus Cloud goes beyond location to provide comprehensive security:

  • Client-Centric Control and Cost Savings: Eleqtus Cloud empowers you with self-service tools and granular access controls for managing your cloud environment. This allows you to optimize resource allocation, streamline workflows, and achieve significant infrastructure cost savings.
  • Data Minimization: When authorized, we grant our support personnel only the minimum access rights necessary to perform their tasks, minimizing the risk of unauthorized data access.
  • Robust Security Protocols: We leverage a comprehensive security approach that includes the industry-leading security practices inherited from Microsoft Azure. This ensures your data remains protected at all times.
  • Proactive Maintenance and Monitoring: Our team can go beyond basic monitoring. We leverage advanced tools and expertise to proactively identify and mitigate security threats within your cloud environment. Additionally, we can perform regular maintenance on your applications to optimize performance and ensure smooth operation, minimizing downtime and maximizing efficiency. This comprehensive approach safeguards your data and keeps your cloud infrastructure running at peak performance.

Eleqtus Cloud: Your Trusted GDPR Partner

By choosing Eleqtus, you gain a partner dedicated to exceeding your cloud hosting, e-invoicing, and support needs. With a focus on European data residency, local language expertise, robust security protocols, and seamless integration with third-party applications, Eleqtus Cloud empowers you to operate confidently within the GDPR framework.

Learn more about our solutions HERE, or connect with one of our experts by emailing us at: info@eleqtus.com.

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